On 10/15/05, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Wed, 2005-10-12 at 09:33 -0400, James Carman wrote:


> I realize that my
> > reliance on JDK5 features may be somewhat of a hindrance since our
> nightly
> > build process only supports JDK1.4 and below from what I understand. Is
> > this something that we're going to fix or do all of our projects have to
> use
> > at most JDK1.4? Any advice is welcome.
> some time soon now jakarta will have a shiny new virtual server to run
> stuff like these builds but ATM craig runs these for us (thanks) and so
> he'd need to answer this...

Updating my system that does the nightly builds to support either 1.4
or 1.5is definitely on my TODO list, but unfortunately not very high
:-(. I can't
promise any time on it in the near future.

- robert


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