On Thu, 2005-10-20 at 11:08 +0200, Ruud Schellekens wrote:
> I was wondering if the package commons-resources is stil actively 
> maintained and where I could find a release to download. So far I only 
> found the cvs checkout option to obtain the package. I am not sure if 
> this is a "stable" cvs tree since the javadoc says 1.0-dev. Might there 
> be another project too look at that provides the same functionality? 
> Perhaps part of STRUTS?

resources was originally factored out from struts. it's probably in a
state of development best described as mature and slowly developing: it
does enough well enough to satisfy most of the developers itches but is
a little short of what was originally hoped. 

jakarta is now on subversion (not cvs). subversion is very cool and if
you use eclipse, the subclipse plugin now works pretty well on the
latest milestone.

for a nightly build see

- robert

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