Hi Oliver,

The tool is still a research prototype but I intend to release it in
the near future.  I took a quick look and it seems like my tool might
not be very useful on the commons transaction code because that code
uses sophisticated locking primitives which the current version of my
tool does not handle and hence will produce lots of false alarms
(though we have plans to extend it to handle those primitives). 
Nevertheless, I will run my tool on that code in the near future and
get back to you if I find any issues.

-- Mayur

On 10/23/05, Oliver Zeigermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Mayur,
> that really sounds like a cool tool. You results are also quite
> impressive. I actually can not comment on them, but would like to know
> if your tool is available anywhere?
> If not - and I suppose so - could you also run it on the commons
> transaction code where any race condition really would be very
> harmful. I already know of one that has been fixed in CVS, but not in
> a final release.
> Thanks in advance
> Oliver

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