On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 11:43 -0800, Hernan Silberman wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a good set of Java classes for 
> representing Graph abstract data types.  Specifically, I'm dealing with a 
> homegrown representation of a directed acyclic digraph (DAG) and find it very 
> lacking.  I've read a little about jakarta commons graph and graph2 and 
> assume 
> they're no longer active projects (and they're not in the sandbox).

neither of the sandbox components really got any community momentum (too
few developers interested in taking the code forward to be viable here).
the code is still in subversion

it's probably worth checking just to see if it does what you want.

ASL2.0 is a pretty liberal library license so there isn't really any
reason why you couldn't pick up the code and kick start development
elsewhere (if it turns out to be useful to you). 

- robert

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