On Sat, 12 Nov 2005, Phil Steitz wrote:

> On 11/12/05, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 13:44 +0000, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> > > robert burrell donkin wrote:
> > > > has anyone run a long stress test?
> > > >
> > > > if not, i'm willing to code up something and set it running on my debian
> > > > box for a few days. i'd appreciate a second pair of eyes on the code (to
> > > > avoid mistakes).
> > >
> > > My attempt at one is attached to bugzilla - SoakLRUMap. I've only run it
> > > for an hour or so though.
> I ran something similar for two 3-hour runs with no errors, using a
> mix of Integer and String keys engineered to get a lot of reuse to
> happen.  I did lots of shorter runs modifying the the number of
> buckets, number of threads, and relative frequency of adds / replaces,
> etc.  It was easy to get the reported errors with synchronization off;
> but I saw no errors when access was properly synchronized.

Just for the record, since everyone might not have access to these
platforms, I saw the same results as Phil while running SoakLRUMap
overnight on Mac OS X 10.4.3 dual-G4 and dual-G5 hardware with java
versions 1.4.2_09 and 1.5.0_05.


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