
Thanks for your ideas!
To participate to VfsNext, I summarized some ideas about a virtual
file-system which federates other file-systems according a given
There is already a start included in VFS:

You should be able to do something like this:

final FileSystem fs = VFS.getManager().createVirtualFileSystem("vfs://").getFileSystem();
       fs.addJunction("/myroot", VFS.getManager().resolveFile("/"));
       fs.addJunction("/myhome", VFS.getManager().resolveFile("/home/im"));

though, its not fully working yet.

You have a very ambitious sight of a "virtual filesystem" ;-)
Might we not archive the same if we make ant (and maven :-) ) based on VFS instead of java.io.File?

This, and a simple virtual filesystem (e.g. to manage distributed resources) would really be a killer.

About the operation improvements, I studied an "IO" Operation model
(http://people.tryphon.org/~alban/io-operations/docs/api/) in the past.
It was originally dedicated to a commons-io refactory proposal. But it
can be a great approach to represent complex operations on VFS
Yes, this is indeed interesting, please dont take this page offline too early. I'll see what of your concept would match with what I called "service", maybe I'll rename it to "operation" now :-)

Thanks again!

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