On 11/16/05, Barnett, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have downloaded the SCXML sources, set up maven, and am trying to do a 
> local build.  However, I get an error saying
> java.io.FileNotFoundException: Parent POM not found: 
> C:\code\SCXML\SRC\commons-build\sandbox-project.xml
> I am guessing that this is due to the following reference in project.xml
>  <extend>../commons-build/sandbox-project.xml</extend>

Yes, that is correct.

> sandbox-project.xml isn't among the files I downloaded and I can't find it on 
> the Jakarta site. Can someone show me where to get it or tell me how to work 
> around this problem?

The commons-build is here:


You can check it out as a sibling directory of your local SCXML trunk
("C:\code\SCXML\SRC\commons-build" given the error message above). Its
mostly needed for the Commons "look and feel" during site generation.

Has any Commons component found a better way of handling this
requirement so its easier to set up the build? I remember some
discussion here, but can't seem to find it in the archives.


> - Jim

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