On Tue, 2005-11-22 at 07:09 +1100, Brett Porter wrote:
> robert burrell donkin wrote:
> > anyone know why they would want to depend on a very old version with
> > known bugs?
> It's 1.1-dev, not 1.0-dev, and I think that someone (could have been one 
> of the xdoclet devs) once told me it was "much much faster". I didn't 
> quite believe it, but never tried.

the version's somewhere between 1.0 and 1.0.1 and i'm really not sure
how it could possibly be 'much much faster' :-/

it may be a little faster since it probably lacks some of the complex
code which is required to cope with the nightmarish variety of
classloaders to be found out there in the wild but that's unlikely to
make much of a difference in real use cases and certainly is much less
than choosing a performant logging strategy.

> I'd be inclined to refuse upload of future releases if this is still there.

future JCL releases?

- robert

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