Martin Cooper wrote:
I was referring more to dojo.xml.Parse than to domUtil. I didn't mean to suggest that this would supplant a Digester in JavaScript, but it could provide a foundation for such a thing.

Ah, I see.  Yep, I can definitely see where it would make things easier.

    By the way, is there more documentation online than the API outline
    (  That's not telling
    me a
    whole lot, and I'd hate to miss something cool just because I was
    looking in the wrong place :)

There are quite a few .rest files in SVN, including two on the XML parsing system here:

I don't believe these docs are up on the web site yet, so you may have to make do with the .rest files for now (which isn't so bad - they're even readable without processing). The docs are the focus of the upcoming 0.2 drop.

There's also a description on the wiki, here:

Ah, gotta go do some reading :)


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