On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 16:17 -0500, Michael Heuer wrote:
> robert burrell donkin wrote:
> > On Tue, 2005-11-29 at 15:09 +0000, Tim Roberts wrote:
> > > +1 I support creating a functors library (but not necessarily called
> > > collections-functors).
> > >
> > > Rational:
> > > I think functors are a powerful approach to software design, under
> > > represented (in java) and non-standardised. I would like to see functors
> > > (sandbox) integrated and have a common interface set (and would like to 
> > > help
> > > with such an undertaking). In addition to reducing the size of collections
> > > developers would, IMO, like to be able to use functors separately from
> > > collections.
> >
> > i'm beginning to suspect that there are number of secret functor users
> > out there...
> >
> > a lack of community prevented the functor component progressing from the
> > sandbox. perhaps times have changed and there may be now enough
> > momentum. would need a committer with enough time as well as enough
> > interested developers...
> >
> > opinions?
> I think maybe you stated that backward -- the fact that the functor
> component was in the common sandbox may have prevented [functor] from
> gathering a community.  

not backward, just a bit circular :)

> How can a sandbox component gather users without a
> release?

that's why it's traditionally been tough for a component to progress
from the sandbox to proper. one reason for requiring a community is that
the core commons committers only have so many cycles so there's a
resistance to taking on components which may be self-sustaining. another
is that apache is interested in community development.  

so, it's really developers (rather than users) that are most important
for sandbox components. 

> There is a lot of functor-related activity out there:
> Functor Objects (Wiki)
> > http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FunctorObject
> Blocks In Java (Wiki)
> > http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?BlocksInJava
> jga - Generic Algorithms for Java
> > http://jga.sourceforge.net
> Colt Project
> > http://dsd.lbl.gov/~hoschek/colt
> More functor interfaces
> > http://www.dishevelled.org/functor

yep :)

the question is whether there's enough enthusiasm out there now to
sustain a commons generic functor component...

- robert

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