On 12/2/05, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/2/05, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I will start. All I can really support right now are [math], [lang],
> > [collections] in commons proper and [id] in sandbox.  One day when I
> > have more time and courage, I would like to jump into [beanutils] to
> > help save it from drowning under unresolved bugs and both [functor]
> > and [graph2] in the sandbox (possibly absorbing one or both into
> > [math]), but for now the four above are all I can really stay on top
> > of.

I vaguely support [lang] right now, and do generic Commons things from
time to time. I intend to do a lot more in terms of recording and
encouraging activity, and somewhat more in terms of developing.

> > To record this kind of info, we might add a list of active volunteers
> > to the Wiki page for each component.  Does this sound like a good
> > idea?
> +1 maybe with a "level" people are prepared to do, including
> "adopted". Although how about one wiki page for all components - that
> would make it easy to see where the "gaps" are for components that
> need additional support.

I'd be tempted to put it in Commons SVN instead.

I suggested the same kind of thing over at the ASF Infra area, and
people pointed out that it'll lead to users mailing the people who are
listed as being in charge of that product instead of the list. I think
that's a fair point, so we put the file in SVN.

Something I want to make myself do is keep on eye on such information
and keep it up to date.


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