Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

> Oliver Heger wrote:
>> As I found out the cause for that is the hsqldb.jar distributed through
>> ibiblio, which was built for JDK 1.4 and later. Indeed I was able to
>> recompile hsqldb on JDK 1.3 and then the problem disappears.
>> Unfortunately there does not seem to be a JDK 1.3 compatible version of
>> a hsqldb.jar on the ibiblio maven reository (at least I did not find
>> one). So this makes the build process on a JDK 1.3 very hard because the
>> correct hsqldb.jar cannot be automatically downloaded.
> Maybe we could request the JDK 1.3 version of hsql to be uploaded in
> the repository at Ibiblio ? As hsqldb-x.y.z-jdk13.jar for example ?
> Emmanuel Bourg
+1, I think this would be the best solution. How would we do that?


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