Giorgio's propsal/code in zip form are uploaded to:

On 12/1/05, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/1/05, Giorgio Gallo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I've read trough the charter and will post a formal proposal as soon as
> > I get the time to write it down ;)
> >
> > In the meantime, is there anyway I could upload the code (its around
> > 60k, zipped), in a quest for initial committers to include on the proposal?
> Either attach it to a bugzilla entry, or mail it to me and I'll put it
> in my ~ space
> > As regards incubation:
> > - The code have never been released, whether on its own or inside a
> > larger application/library
> > - I'm the sole copyright owner of the code
> > - I am (of course) willing to donate it to ASF
> >
> > Does this imply it needs to be incubated?
> Depends on the people interested. If there are no/few existing
> committers interested, then yes you'd need to be incubated. If however
> the majority of interested committers are existing committers, then
> we'll go with a code grant and goto the sandbox.
> Hen

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