Well, I think it's pretty obvious that we need to start a new maven plugin project for commons. So, why don't we just get started? Do we have to vote

+1 get started :)


on something like that? Are we going to make it a Maven2 or Maven1 plugin?

Nope, I think it's pretty clear that there's consensus to look into a plugin.

Maven-1 makes sense, the work on a plugin is more about figuring out
what to put in there and not the technical difficulty of creating the
plugin. Unless it turns out that Maven-2 support makes it a lot
easier, or that's just the itch someone wants to scratch.

If possible we should encapsulate the plugin code
into a pojo. Then we can add a jelly wrapper around
it in maven1 and can also use it from maven2 ...at
least in theory :)

Do we want to make everyone upgrade their POMs?

We should be able to script it, as you suggest below. Given that
maven-2 can live side by side with maven-1, it just needs someone to
either go ahead and make a pom.xml for all of commons, or to make a
list of the changes needed.

I've already a very basic pom.xml for jci ...but
still need to figure out the details.


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