The Jakarta Commons HttpClient project is pleased to announce the
release of HttpClient 3.0. This release fixes all of the bugs
discovered in RC4. As before, we strongly recommend that all users
upgrade to HttpClient 3.0.  Please download and enjoy.

HttpClient 3.0 provides the following new features:

 - Architecture
   * New preference architecture
   * Improved exception handling framework
   * Granular non-standards configuration and tracking
   * Improved HTTP Version configuration and tracking
   * Support for streaming entities
   * Support for tunneled HTTP proxies via the ProxyClient
   * Ability to abort execution of HTTP methods

 - Connection management
   * Support for closing idle connections
   * Support for JDK1.4 connect timeout through reflection
   * Support for connection manager shutdown

 - Authentication
   * Improved authentication framework
   * Plug-in mechanism for authentication modules
   * Interactive authentication support
   * Alternate authentication support

 - Cookie management
   * Cookie specification plug-in mechanism
   * 'Ignore cookies' cookie policy
   * Improved Netscape cookie support

 - Redirects
   * Cross-site redirect support

Download - 
Release notes -
3.0 site - <>

About HttpClient -
Although the package provides basic functionality for
accessing resources via HTTP, it doesn't provide the full flexibility
or functionality needed by many applications. The Jakarta Commons
HttpClient component seeks to fill this void by providing an
efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich package implementing the
client side of the most recent HTTP standards and recommendations.


Commons HttpClient Team

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