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The following page has been changed by RahulAkolkar:

The comment on the change is:
A plan for the Commons SCXML 1.0.0 release takes shape.

New page:
== Release Plan For Commons SCXML 1.0.0 ==

=== Overall Status ===

The release is in the planning stage. We will move to the execution stage when 
SCXML graduates from Commons Sandbox to Commons Proper, which requires a VOTE.

==== Release Manager ====

The release manager is '''Rahul Akolkar'''.


=== Background ===

Commons SCXML is an implementation of the State Chart XML specification aimed 
at creating and maintaining a Java SCXML engine. It is capable of executing a 
state machine defined using a SCXML document, and abstracts out the environment 
interfaces. The Commons SCXML codebase has now reached a level of stability to 
justify an initial release in the near future.

''This will be the first release of Commons SCXML''.


=== Pre Release Tasks ===

==== Source ====

 * The initial codebase has gone through a number of refactorings, ranging from 
trivial (renaming variables to be more descriptive) to substantial (breaking up 
the single ''env'' package into separate packages for each environment).
 * The upto date Commons SCXML revision history is available at:
 * The code has been run through the Checkstyle, Findbugs gamut.

==== Web Site ====

 * Commons SCXML website has been published and available for about 4 months:
 * It continues to be updated frequently (roughly, twice a week).

==== Documentation ====

 * Javadocs are available and are complete:
 * API docs are available:
 * Usecase examples are available:
 * A wiki has been created:

==== General ====

===== Bug Review and Fixes =====

I have till date assigned myself to SCXML bugs and enhancements based on 
discussions on the mailing lists. This is a practice that I do not intend to 
continue anymore, but for a better perspective, here are the issues that have 
been discussed on the Commons mailing lists:

||SCXML send element body content is not parsed||Mike Sparr|| (./) ||
||Alignment of time model of execution with spec||James Barnett|| - ||
||Digester instances are not available for further customization||Mike Sparr|| 
- ||
||API docs on website need to be improved||Rahul Akolkar|| - ||

===== Check Compatibility =====

Being the first release of Commons SCXML, there are no backward compatibility 


=== Release Tasks ===

==== Sandbox Graduation ====

 * This release plan will be posted to the commons-dev mailing list.
 * A reasonable amount of review time (about two weeks) will be allowed for 
feedback from Commons developers.
 * A sandbox graduation VOTE will be called after the review time has elapsed.

==== Sandbox Graduation VOTE ====

Details will be posted here once the sandbox graduation VOTE has concluded.

==== SVN ====

This release will take place against TRUNK.

==== Release Notes ====

These will be prepared in the traditional fashion.

==== Release Candidates ====

 * The first release candidate will be prepared shortly after graduating to 
Commons Proper.
 * A reasonable amount of time (a week or two) will be allowed for review and 
 * If no issues are reported during the review time, a release VOTE will be 

==== Release Commons SCXML 1.0.0 VOTE ====

Details will be posted here once the release VOTE has concluded.


=== Comments ===

Please post comments to the commons-dev mailing list.


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