Sorry for the delay.

robert burrell donkin wrote:
> (this somewhat follows on tangentally from the discussions on
> commons-collections-functor)
> i've been thinking over the last few weeks about the best approach for
> non-core code in existing components which is distributed as separate
> optional artifacts for reasons such as dependency management. i'd like
> to coin the term for auxillary components for these.
> beanutils-collections is an example of an auxillary component.
I'm all for splitting stuff up into well defined jars for dependency
management :)
> IMHO there are some good reasons why it would be easier to manage
> auxillary components as separate components rather than as
> sub-components. it's easier to automate a flat structure than one which
> allows optional sub-components to allow reliable builds for releases and
> the website. it's also about community: a flatter structure seems to
> work out better. also, visibility.
I'm not sure I agree here. It depends on how they are used. Is the
sub-component intrinsically tied to the main component? ie, are they
released together? have the same usage docs? would want shared javadoc?
If so, I think they should just be subprojects.

If they are a bridge between two components, have their own release
lifecycle, and so on - then absolutely agree a flat model is best.

I believe this has to be a balance. Visibility/community is great, until
you flood and can't find anything any more losing all visiblity. I'd say
keep things together where it makes sense, push them up when it makes
sense. If you can't decide, toss a coin :) (Actually, I'd probably keep
thing together until its obvious they need a life of their own).
> in particular, i'm thinking about proposing commons-logging-extras and
> commons-logging-specification as new components. 
These seem like modules of the commons-logging component to me.


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