I'd insert step 2.5 below ...

On 1/1/06, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would appreciate it if some more svn-knowledgable folks could verify
> the following sequence of steps to move a component - in this case
> [feedparser] to dormant.  I want to do this with minimal noise, but
> obviously no collateral damage ;-).
> 1. From directory above local checkouts of trunks-proper, trunks-dormant, use
> svn propget svn:externals trunks-proper > externals
> on these to dump current lists to text files - externals, externalsd,
> resp.  Edit the text files to remove from proper and add to dormant
> (really wish these could somehow be *versioned files* in svn or we
> could somehow get away from having to play this).
> 2. Execute the following commands to effect the move and update externals:
> svn move -m "Moved feedparser to dormant." \
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/commons/proper/feedparser \
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/commons/dormant/feedparser
> svn propset -m svn:externals trunks-dormant -F externalsd
> svn propset svn:externals trunks-proper -F externals
> svn commit -m "Moved feedparser to dormant." -N trunks-dormant
> svn commit -m "Moved feedparser to dormant." -N trunks-proper

2.5 Tag feedparser once in dormant before making any changes.

We should probably start having tag names that can accomodate the fact
that some transitions may be taken more than once (while that may not
be very desirable). Maybe tags should read (STATE is component state
before the transition -- one of PROPER, SANDBOX or DORMANT):

STATE_nn (where nn is a counter)

I'd be inclined towards using the latter.

Phil - If you want, I can take care of this (since I *might* have to
do the same for combo, though no step 3 there).


> 3. Update the pom in the new repo location to point to correct web
> location and update navigation and component list pages on j-c site to
> reflect move.  Then republish both component and main commons site.
> Thanks!
> Phil

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