Hi Tim,

Tim OBrien wrote:

> Good summary, comments inline...
> --- Jörg Schaible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 4/ Copied c-codec classes in official API
>> To remove a dependency to c-codec the digest and hex utilities have been
>> copied to c-id, but they are now publicly available in the o.a.c.id
>> namespace.
>> Martin already proposed to move them to a package o.a.c.id.internal and
>> provide an appropriate package.html. As alternative we could try to make
>> them package accessible only and remove any unused functionality (they
>> have bad coverage reports because we only use view methods).
> +1 with moving into an internal package with a package.html,
> Of two minds on the coverage issue, one one hand the class is well tested
> over in codec so you
> could just trust that the class is well tested.  But, could you also just
> copy the unit tests from
> c-codec and add them into c-id.  I don't see a huge problem there as long
> as there is sufficient notice in the classes to the effect of "DON'T

If you remove the unused code, you have no tests, but coverage :)

Also it is much less encouraging for people to use these classes, if you
state that you have only a partial copy of the original ...

- Jörg

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