On 1/18/06, Tim OBrien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rahul, my emails are a tad long, eh?  Apologies in advance.

Nah, that was a comment about the length after *I* replied to your
email, and subsequently found it better to fragment it out into bite
size chunks in separate threads.

> > > 3. Is SCXML appropriate for Commons?
> > >
> >
> Understood.   Let's just acknowledge that if scxml is a successful component, 
> and if it
> experiences the level of interest I think it warrants, it could very well go 
> the route of
> httpclient.


It can potentially go places, thats my opinion as well.

> At the moment, it is a simple, narrow component focused on scxml.   I think 
> it would be wise to
> think about the long term.  Jakarta is going to undergo some transitions over 
> the next year (see
> general@ thread from last week), and during that transition we should put a 
> flag on scxml as one
> of the components that we need to think about as being qualitatively 
> different from something like
> Commons Lang.
> But, short-term, promotion to proper makes sense.
> <snip/>
> You are right about Jakarta state transitions not being nearly as clean as an 
> ideal state machine.

All this makes sense to me.


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