jerome lacoste wrote:
    Niklas, Brett, Trygve & all,

So here's what I propose to do:
- decide which requirements are important. What is the problem we are
trying to solve? How do we position us compared to the official's API?
etc... Someone using SDK 1.4 or 1.5 should find a compelling reason to
migrate to commons-exec. The migration should be intuitive. Benefits
for migrating clear. I think I exposed my ideas in the thread about
the library's vision.

Agreed, lets got through the requirements gathered so far (these are more of less copied from your's and Bretts email with some additions by myself).

* Provide an equivalent to ProcessBuilder working in older JREs
* Process and Stream management, allowing flexible reuse of this functionality
* be able to run an external command in a small number of lines,
capturing or streaming output and pass in my own input handler. Have it
actually work on Windows and Unix et al when there are quotes, spaces,
etc in the binary, arguments, etc.
* be able to run a process in the background, find out when it finished,
kill it if necessary.
* wire it up in an IoC container so I can do even less code to configure
* Provide an API for retrieving the current environment

Would you like anything else in there?

I think those listed above are covered by the current code, albeit behind an ugly API.

- we compare the clean API sketch to the refactoring I made in
September. We focus on making this API easy to use and remember
without compromise on flexibility.

Agreed, I will check out your refactoring next.

- we then take a decision on how to reach an implementation that
satisfies this API (Either start from the API sketch, or from the
refactorings I made 4 months ago).

I don't care on the approach as long as we get things moving and that
efforts are not wasted.

Niklas you said you could coordinate. I offered my help for coding,
documentation and tests. There's already a lot of work done on that.
Who else is interested? How do we proceed? Niklas I let you answer
those questions.

Yeap, I'll try my best to coordinate the efforts. First of all, I would like us to agree on the initial requirements. From what I gather, I think our basic requirements are very similar so I don't expect this to be any problem.

I will also have a look at the refactoring you've made and get back with comments on that tomorrow.

Let's try not to loose the momentum. I just don't want my efforts to
be wasted (so far they haven't been productive enough to my taste).


would really like this library to be in early alpha by end of
February. So I can get it off the list of things I said I would do.

I think that is a reasonable goal.


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