Yes, of course. Sorry about that.
Running "maven site" on commons-lang using an unmodified Maven
1.1-beta-2 and the version of xerces that ships with JDK 1.4 does *not*
work. I get the same error as Henri.
Dennis Lundberg
Brett Porter wrote:
That happens when your PATH points to a different installation than
- Brett
Dennis Lundberg wrote:
I'm using JDK 1.4 on Windows and I got this error when I tried to run
Maven 1.1-beta-2:
javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider
org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not found
So I copied maven-1.0.2/lib/endorsed to maven-1.1-beta-2, which made
Maven 1.1 start ok.
After that, running "maven site" on commons-lang using Maven 1.1-beta-2
worked successfully.
Running "maven site" on commons-lang using Maven 1.0.2 works fine,
without modifications.
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