In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matt Benson 
>As an interested observer, I tend to agree that if
>there is no conceivable use for binary list results,
>[net] may as well adapt automagically.

I was about to open a Bugzilla enhancement request to track this, but
as I was writing that if FTPClient is not in ASCII mode it has to switch
to ASCII mode for a listing and then switch back to the original mode,
I realized that it might have to switch to EBCDIC.  That's another reason
why it was left to the user.  The attempt to auto-detect the system and
adapt behavior based on the FTP server only started when Steve led the
charge in that area for file list parsing.  I'll defer to Steve to comment
on how to shoehorn the detection system to determine whether to use EBCDIC
or ASCII (ASCII would be the fallback in any case).  I think it's reasonable
to say that VFS doesn't need to know whether the system is using EBCDIC or
ASCII.  So from the standpoint of serving VFS, I'd say that seals the
argument to put the behavior in FTPClient.


-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-| Sleep and The Traveller |-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
    s a v a r e s e      # In distant lands, I hear the call of my home.
   software research     # Yet my work is not done.  My journey's just begun. #  --

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