
Thanks, i am exactly looking for a project like this.  Thanks so much.
I was thinking, the component idea is great, i like the http-spider, since thats what i work on . I have an open source project that was started a year ago: http://aspider.sf.net/ This is a autonomous java spider 1.4 compatible. Do you know who i could contact at the new http components projects to
offer suggestions/code?  Thanks again.


Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
Ryan Smith wrote:

Understood, thanks.
Well, in the future, if you would ever decide to offer that functionality to be lienient on http as an option, i have some code for ya.
Reverse Engineering popular browsers is a pain!
Thanks again! :)



Commons HttpClient in its present form suffers from feature and options bloat more than anything else. We can no longer keep on piling stuff on top of it. We (The Jakarta HttpComponents project) are currently in the process of rewriting HttpClient from scratch, primarily to make it more modular and reusable


Feel free to consider submitting your code to HttpComponents at some point of time


Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
Ryan Smith wrote:

Thanks for the reply.
Ok, the behavior can be correct, i understand you have a flag to disable circular redirects, but this still seems inappropriate. Becasue i still want to guard against genuine circular redirects from these false circular redirects, and since all browsers support this functionality, i think it would be nice if HttpClient could offer support for "Browser HTTP Protocol" like you can set a Param to "act.like.a.browser" which will 302 redirect when the uri is same but query string is different and basically operate as a forgiving http protocol if you so choose. Just an idea since the http protocol and the way all popular browsers implement it are much different.

The trouble is that so called popular browsers do it rather badly. They tend to accept any garbage some badly written CGI scripts spit out at them instead of rejecting malformed HTTP messages as invalid thus giving the developers of those sites some incentive to do their job properly. We usually provide a lenient mode in those cases where the wording of the HTTP spec is vague or ambiguous, but we have no intension to work around some pretty gross violations of the HTTP spec that common browsers tend to forgive. After all, HttpClient is not a browser, nor a vacuum cleaner, it is what it is, an HTTP library.

Hope this explains our position



Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 17:24 -0500, Ryan Smith wrote:

I am using 3.0 RELEASE
But i checked out the latest snap shot code, and the logic in HttpMethodDirector.java only checks for the URI, not URI + Query string.


I think this behavior is correct. It was implemented per this bug


Set 'http.protocol.allow-circular-redirects' parameter to true to
disable the check


Below, plerase see my MANIFEST.MF that came with my httpclient.jar :

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.5.3
Created-By: Apache Maven
Built-By: Michael
Package: org.apache.commons.httpclient
Build-Jdk: 1.3.1_17
Extension-Name: commons-httpclient
Specification-Title: Jakarta Commons HttpClient
Specification-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
Implementation-Title: org.apache.commons.httpclient
Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
Implementation-Version: 3.0

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