On Sun, 2006-02-19 at 09:22 +0100, Boris Unckel wrote:
> Good Morning,
> Torsten Curdt wrote:
> > ...and frankly speaking - it will also help marketing wise. JCL1
> > has a bit of a bad reputation. JCL2 could help to leave this behind.
> JCL 1.0x "has a bit of a bad reputation": Some developers/admins 
> (profession) or people who have developer and/or admin jobs (this is not 
> the same)
> expect _any_ software to unzip, click on the start button, and 
> _everything_ works with the default settings. Even more: The whole system
> is completely self healing, regardless which error occurs.
> I understand your remark from the use in tomcat environments. A J2EE 
> server is not a plug'n'play system like a USB->MP3 stick, but some
> people seem to expect that. Until they do not change their mind and 
> recognize that there is software which has the need to read and understand
> documentation you  will have this "bit of a bad reputation".


the problem is expectation: we promised automagic configuration


- robert

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