Simon Kitching wrote on Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:17 AM:


> Assuming that some Avalon loggers are *not* serializable then
> there are
> two problems.

None of it implement Serializable, so your assumption is right. Since they 
don't have a default ctor they also cannot be the base of a serializable class 
(they are declared final anyway).

> The first is that the AvalonLogger class in JCL has a constructor that
> takes an avalon Logger object directly. In that case we don't
> even have
> a category name; we therefore have no way at all to obtain an
> equivalent underlying Logger object on deserialize.
> The second is that the AvalonLogger constructor that takes a category
> name has to assume that someone has called static
> AvalonLogger.setDefaultLogger. This is pretty poor design for a start;
> if they haven't then there is little option but to throw an exception
> which is not good style for a logging library. The same problem occurs
> on deserialize; we do have a category name but if the static
> setDefaultLogger method hasn't been called then there's no
> way to obtain
> an underlying Logger.
> These two issues *can* be sort-of worked around by my proposed option
> (c). However I don't really like the idea of silently
> disabling logging.
> In short, I believe that Avalon logging in general, and the JCL
> AvalonLogger in particular are not designed to handle
> serialization and
> so we just shouldn't be trying to support that.


If serialization is necessary, the user must use a log implementation, that 
supports it.

- Jörg

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