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Dion Gillard wrote:
> If you define a property (in build.properties)
> javamail.jar=c:/myjars/javamail-1.3.3.ar
> the build.xml will notice this and copy it into ./lib

this doesn't work as expected. Cause the build-file works with get, i get:

java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol:

when i use slashes, backslashes, double-backslashes, C:, c: and so on.

I downloaded the distributions manually and will copy it to the place it
have to be, but this is not comfortable.

Does maven work with this?


> On 2/28/06, C. Grobmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dion Gillard wrote:
>>>> The javamail jars cannot be distributed by themselves as they are
> licensed
>>>> under the Sun Binary Code License.
>>>> I thought the generated ant build.xml would allow you to specify an
>>>> alternate location of javamail.jar as a a property?
>>>> is this not working?
> I got Dumbster, but not these two:
> * http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/javamail/jars/javamail-1.3.3.jar
> * http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/activation/jars/activation-1.0.2.jar
> The location is "hard"-coded in the <get/> Tag.
> Problem is before downloading you have to accept the terms. I think it
> would be better to kick off these <get/> Tags and tell the user he has
> to download these apis manually.
> How is this solved with maven? I guess this will result in an error too.
> Regards,
> Chris
>>>> On 2/28/06, C. Grobmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> ant dist
>>>> fails, cause the dependencies cannot be found.
>>>> http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/javamail/jars/javamail-1.3.3.jar
>>>> http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/javamail/jars/javamail-1.3.3.jar
>>>> ...
>>>> brought an I/O Exception, trying to download this from a browser show a
>>>> 404. Are there any other archives or who does maintain this ibiblio.org
>>>> site?
>>>> An apache-depencies-host would be great, i guess...
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Chris
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> Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid
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