On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 18:38 +0100, Boris Unckel wrote:
> Good evening,
> I have done an additional test.
> > Von: Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Boris, would you please replace commons-logging-1.1-RC5.jar with
> > commons-logging-adapters-1.1-RC5.jar in your webapp and retest?
> Yes, it does work. I did not setup a system property and everything was
> fine.

it should work equally well with the adapters jar removed. (this is the
behaviour on WAS6.)

> > General comment: the fact that WAS has a custom LogFactory
> > implementation means that most of the improvements we added to the 1.1
> > release of JCL won't be available to WAS. The only thing we need to do
> > is make sure that the changes we made to the base LogFactory abstract
> > class haven't made anything *worse*. I'll review the changes to
> > LogFactory.java to see if there are any implications for custom
> > implementations. Maybe the user guide could do with a note about the
> > fact that WAS uses a custom LogFactory implementation....
> No. I tried the following:
> I have replaced the original IBM supplied 1.0.3 commons-logging-api.jar 
> withat 
> the RC5 one. It works fine. You can see the expected diagnosted output.

good :)

i hoped that would happen. websphere 6 behaves in an identical fashion.

- robert

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