On Tue, 2006-03-07 at 20:15 +0000, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-03-07 at 17:01 +0000, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> > Er, I think I would have to -1 a release without an ant build, so I'm 
> > hoping this is temporary :-)
> AIUI simon's working in contrib on some ideas for JCL2. the work on the
> (much delayed) JCL 1.1 release is happening on trunk.

Yep, as Robert says this removal of the ant build.xml was only for my
experimental code.

It was removed mainly because it is currently broken and as the mvn2
build works I can't be bothered fixing it right now. However I
personally don't see any reason why we would want an ant buildfile for
JCL2 if the maven one works fine (and it uses the appropriate JDKs to do
the actual compile and test steps).



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