(Man, I was offline for two days and now getting drowned in a flood of

Gary Gregory wrote:

>Personally, I like the VariableFormatter class and plan on using it in
>production. For me, this class is what is motivating me to push for a
>2.2 release (3.0 seems like release inflation ;)
>I agree that VariableFormatter appears complex, but that is OK to me
>given the flexibility it provides. In addition, it works for some fancy
>cases as demonstrated in the unit tests.
Yes, the main reason for its complexity (aside from my humble
programming skills) is that this class also provides some features that
go beyond a simple replace solution, e.g. detecting of cyclic
substituitions, escaping of variables, and the possibility of injecting
your custom variable resolver. This is stuff I would like to use in
[configuration]. If anybody provides a less complex solution that offers
the same features I would certainly welcome it.

Such a simple replace operation Stephen mentions below is probably easy
enough to implement, but will certainly miss some of the features we
have now. I hoped we could provide something more powerful.

About StrBuilder: Wouldn't it be easy to add another overloaded
replace() method, which takes a StrBuilder as argument? This method
would obtain the builder's content as char[], perform the replace
operation, clear() the builder and then append() the result. Or a
different approach would be to add some replace() (or substitute())
methods to StrBuilder, which would call corresponding VariableFormatter

>I recall vaguely being involved in the class' integration into [lang] so
>I am happy to talk about it. 
>If the original author, Oliver Heger, is here, please feel free to pipe
>in. I found Oliver very flexible and easy to deal with in the past :)

>>I just wonder if we should rewrite the class much more simply <snip>
>If someone does this, I would humbly suggest that we refactor with
>interfaces such that, at least for development, we can plugin the new
>implementation and see if the same tests still pass.
>WRT using StrBuilder, I like the idea of eating our own dog food but I
>would only do so in this case if there is a real point in doing so. I
>could be wrong ;)
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Stephen Colebourne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 3:04 PM
>>To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
>>Subject: [lang] VariableFormatter and text package
>>This class is my main hold-up for release 2.2. Somehow, I just don't
>>like it. It seems way complex for what it appears to do.
>>Thats a gut feel reaction however - I can't get my head around the
>>easily (another negative).
>>More specifically, there is no way to substitute the variables in a
>>StrBuilder, which is kindof the point of the package.
>>I just wonder if we should rewrite the class much more simply,
>>it to operate on a StrBuilder. Isn't it just a loop through a map
>>a search and replace on ${key} -> value ?
>>Not sure how others feel about the class.
>>The other item in the text package is StrBuilder.asTokenizer(). This
>>method does not cuurrently actually link the tokenizer to the builder
>>(as the writer/reader do). I think that what should happen is that the
>>following sequence should work:
>>Create and populate StrBuilder
>>Call asTokenizer()
>>Add text to the builder*
>>Call StrTokenizer.reset()
>>Tokenize (and get results including added text*)
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