On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 12:46 -0500, James Carman wrote:
> If I write it, I can have the Trails project use it probably (I'm a
> committer).  Do we just have to have clients who are interested in the
> project or do we also need more than one developer to work on it?

The sandbox is open to anyone; you can just get stuck in. However you
have to consider whether it is more *productive* to host your project
elsewhere (eg sourceforge).

Benefits of sandbox:
* Existing commons developers are watching.
If you think this project would be of interest to a number of existing
commons developers then it's beneficial to use sandbox as it will make
them aware of the project

* Easy for other apache projects to depend on it.
Apache projects are generally happier depending on apache-hosted
projects than external projects (though that's not an absolute rule).
In particular, for code factored out of an existing apache project 
it makes sense to use sandbox.

* Easy promotion to proper
When the project has been developed in the sandbox, it's simply a vote
to move it to proper. When developed externally, contributor agreements
etc are probably needed before moving the project *to* apache.

Disadvantages of sandbox:
* It's very difficult getting non-apache developers committership.
If Sue Smith notices the project and wants to get involved she basically
can't. Only apache committers can have sandbox access, and apache
committership is not something granted lightly. In sourceforge, of
course, the project administrator just adds any user they want.

* Very low visibility
People can find sourceforge projects much easier than they can find
sandbox projects.

* Releases
You can't make official releases of a sandbox project before it's
promoted to proper. And it cannot be promoted to proper unless you can
attract at least a couple of other commons committers to work on the
project. This needs very serious thought; if you're not going to get
that support in commons then sandbox is a permanent dead end.



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