On 3/10/06, Sandy McArthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/10/06, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Any comments on this?
> > http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=38073
> >
> > As I see it, there are two decent alternatives here.  The one I first
> > suggested in the report is too ugly.
> >
> > (i) Make the (incorrectly) implemenented getReference method in
> > InstanceKeyDataSource throw, as described in the last comment on the
> > report, and override with correct impls in the concrete subclasses.
> >
> > (ii) Make the (minor) backward-incompatible change to make the
> > offending method in InstanceKeyDataSource abstract, as suggested in
> > the original report, again providing correct impls in the subclasses.
> >
> > I think (ii) is cleaner (what should have been done in the first
> > place) but is technically a backward incompatible change.  Users who
> > have subclassed will be forced to implement.
> >
> > Interested parties, please weigh in with opinions or better ideas
> > about how to resolve this.
> (Standard disclaimer about not being familiar with Dbcp yet.)
> For a bug fix release it seems to me that you should override
> getReference() in PerUserPoolDataSource and SharedPoolDataSource. And
> document in InstanceKeyDataSource.getReference() that it will be going
> away in the next major release.
> Also, it seems to me that changing
> InstanceKeyDataSource.getReference() for the ref var to:
>        Reference ref = new Reference(getClass().getName(),
>            getClass().getName() + "Factory", null);
> would work better. It's fragile but I don't think it would break anything new.
> > Also scream now if adding test
> > dependencies on the (ibiblio published) tomcat naming jars is not
> > acceptable.
> For building and testing only right? Not for deployment of Dbcp?

Yes, just a test dependency.  Not required at all for dist or runtime.

> --
> Sandy McArthur
> "He who dares not offend cannot be honest."
> - Thomas Paine
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