On Tue, 2006-03-14 at 08:16 +0100, Boris Unckel wrote:
> Good Morning,
> > How Can I Use Commons-Logging In WebSphere 5.1?
> > I'm using WebSphere 5.1. Commons-Logging doesn't seem to recognize my
> > commons-logging.properties file. Help!
> > Set EAR classloader mode as PARENT_LAST and WAR classloader policy as
> > Application
> This is a bad solution in my opinion: Classloader policy "Application" is a
> workaround if you have no correct dependencies in your EAR/WAR combination.
> My tests showed that it is possible to get correct results with Classloader
> policy "Module" and EAR to "PARENT_LAST" and WAR "PARENT_LAST".
> If you have an application with one EAR containing two WARs (i.E. one with a
> config for external customers, and one with a config for inhouse use) the 
> JARs of first loaded will "win". This is not the case for "Module" with two
> child-classloaders of the EAR for each WAR.
> If their is consensus about the best way to use JCL in WebSphere the entry
> should be revisited.

conversely: if there no consensus, the entry should also be revisited to
reflect the diversity of opinions.

feel free to dive in and update the wiki

- robert

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