Wanted to mention something I've been doing this week on my blog:


Each morning at work I sit down and go over the new and modified
issues in a collection of open source projects - mostly looking for
security issues, but also just generally following what's going on,
especially in legacy releases which tend to be the ones we're

So I thought that it might be interesting to do the same kind of thing
each evening for all of Commons. It's not a full summary of what's
going on (I'd need to be summarising the mailing list too for that),
but it does seem like a useful thing (to me).

Value it adds

* Way for -users of Commons components to follow -dev without having
to keep up with the email.
* Definitely helps me as a -dev get a good feel for what's going on. I
tend not to read the bugzilla emails as they come in.
* Minor things like making sure the [foo] is at the front can be dealt
with for new issues.

Very interested in knowing whether people think it's of worth.
Especially in the long term - say we had a project blog at apache.org
that committers could post things like this to. Also interested in
whether it looks to be more useful for users or developers.

Sorry for the blog advertising; hopefully it was enough on-topic :)


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