Henri Yandell wrote:
> If we have decided [to remove author tags], then I'm happy to
> script them all out
> (and into team list files etc). And we should probably make sure
> that we take care of disagreements now rather than later.

Gary Gregory wrote:
> Based on the February 18, 2004, Apache Software Foundation Board
> of Directors Meeting Minutes, author tags are "discouraged".

AFAIR we haven't ever voted on this, as removing existing author tags is always been a touchy subject when brought up. At present, its a component-level choice.

I believe that it is general practice in commons to refer to the author in commit comments, and to use the maven team list facility, but I could be wrong.

Certainly [collections] still has author tags, although I had recently considered proposing their removal as I now find them a hassle.

Sandy McArthur wrote:
I have searched some and the arguments don't hold water with me.
:-) Many things from lawyers and the board don't make sense ;-)

I'm proud of the code I've contributed and I think an @author tag is
proper recognition.
I suppose that five years ago when I joined, I felt something similar. At that time author tags were allowed, so it wasn't a problem. Over time, that desire for such 'base' recognition has gone.

IMHO, the true recognition is from the peers in your community. As a peer, I can say that we have already recognised your contributions so far (by voting you a committer for example). I personally also greatly appreciate the new life that you have instilled in both pool and dbcp.

It is a balance though. Martin's 'egoless programming' comment is essentialy correct. I am here because I want to code, I want to learn, because I enjoy the community and I want to share. It is possible that I may benefit career-wise, or perhaps not.

What I do know is that I don't feel any need to shout my contribution via an author tag - there are plenty of other outlets to mention the work I do (maven team-list, blog, Javalobby, the server side...) if and when I feel it appropriate.

In summary however, I still think a board-level command 'no author tags' was a bit silly as it just created lots of wasted man-hours on debate instead of code. But, c'est la vie.


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