Hi Jörg,

See comments below.



On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 09:45 +0200, Jörg Schaible wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> Marcus Malcom wrote on Wednesday, April 05, 2006 6:17 PM:
> > Commons Project: Configuration
> > 
> > I was thinking about creating a "Configuration Cache".
> > Essentially this
> > would would be very specific to a PropertiesConfiguration at the start
> > and would move to be more generic as needed. The cache would be a
> > centralized location to obtain instances of PropertiesConfiguration -
> > standardizing a singleton/multiton approach.
> > 
> > My first question is: Does anyone know if there's something out there
> > already that does this? (did I just miss something)
> > 
> > Second: If there isn't anything out there, would the commons group be
> > interested in a code submit on this?
> I am not sure, that I really understand what you're up to. Can you give a use 
> case?

My use case is to make sure that a configuration file is only loaded
once per class loader space. I didn't see anything in the configuration
API that accomplishes this (please let me know if I missed something).
The call would look something like this:


Naturally, this can be done with any Configuration, but I'm looking
mainly at the file configurations at the moment. The API would look
something like this:

 Configuration getConfiguration(String fileName)
 Configuration getConfiguration(URL url)
 Configuration getConfiguration(File file)

Again, the point is that the cache object (singleton/multiton) would
cache the configuration file so that subsequent calls to
getConfiguration(...) would return the same object. I do have some
example code that I put together yesterday, should I send them to the


> - Jörg

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