> The documentation for 1.1 makes it clear that the -api.jar has no real
> purpose, and should generally be avoided. Hopefully we can encourage the
> next tomcat release to include the full JCL 1.1 jar.
> The price paid is just mild offense to purists, who *are* correct that
> this class doesn't really belong in a jar labelled "api".
> Right now, I'm rather tired of JCL (and I'm sure Robert feels worse).
> Anything that gets this out the door without any more debate and testing
> is good!

So many RCs ....I can feel your pain, guys
(thanks for pushing it through anyway)

As for the inclusion:
as long as we clearly state that the use from the API jar is deprecated
and it will be gone (from the API jar) in the next release it should be ok.

...at some stage we should just fix this.


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