On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 11:41 -0400, Gary Gregory wrote:
> Hello:
> What are the plans for the breakout of HttpClient into HTTP components?
> Every time I look for the code, I realize that there are no
> nightly-builds. The wiki [1] does not point to any code but I recall
> finding a site describing examples and SVN pointers, but I am not sure
> how I got there now.
> I'd love to replace our custom HTTP code in our server with something
> more robust. Before I start to think about picking apart the Tomcat HTTP
> support, will Http Commons see the light of day in nightly builds soon?
> Is there interest from others for using this project?
> Thanks,
> Gary
> [1] http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-httpclient/HttpComponentsActionPlan

I am in the process of cutting the first ALPHA release of HttpComponents
HttpCore, but got bogged down trying to get Maven2 work the way I want.
There are plans to get nightly builds going as well. 

You can find more details about the project here:

Latest code here:

For regular updates on the state of the HttpComponents project please
subscribe to the httpclient-dev@jakarta.apache.org list. 

We'd be extremely happy if you could lend us a helping hand with the
infrastructure related stuff (or hacking on HttpComponents if you feel
like to)



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