On 18/04/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/18/06, Andrew Shirley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 07:46:24PM +0100, sebb wrote:
> > > Might I suggest you create a Bugzilla patch and then attach the files to 
> > > it?
> > > On 13/04/06, Andrew Shirley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I have just tried entering this in bugzilla but the post_bug.cgi was
> > > > 404ing!
> > > >
> >
> > I tried this again this morning and bugzilla is working fine.
> >
> > http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=39334
> About 5 days ago would be when it was being moved from one machine to
> the other. For the last year or so the machine the bug trackers were
> running on was under heavy load - often not for their own fault.
> Google hitting the mailing list archives has the hard drives pretty
> spun out :)
> So I imagine this migration and/or instability before hand is what you
> hit - sorry about that. Should be better now that it's on a new box
> and only issue tracking probelms can hurt it. Course, there are about
> 6 issue trackers on there now, 3 jira, 2 bugzilla and 1 scarab :).
> I know you're not getting much noise back on the CLI issues, but it's
> definitely appreciated. One style you'll notice in Commons is that
> many developers hop from project to project, choosing a project based
> on the number of issues that have built up. Lang's my current target,
> and if I knew which direction to take CLI, it'd be next.
> What do you think? Is the cli2 package clearly superior to the cli[1]
> package? Should we dump the old one, test the issues reported against
> cli[1] that are now fixed in cli2 and move on; or should we dump the
> cli2 package and stick with the cli one?

There's a 3rd package, which is the Avalon one as used in JMeter.
Perhaps it needs to be renamed, as it currently appears to be part of
cli[1], and it is not.
It's also the one that is probably the most mature, having started
life as Excalibur Avalon.

But that's not to say that CLI[2] is not worth pursuing. IIRC, it
offers a choice of command-line syntax options; whereas Avalon just
has the one.

CLI[1] seemed to me to be in need of a lot of work when I looked at it
a year or so ago.

I did not look at CLI[2] in any detail.

> Hen
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