Sorry for getting back that late, but I finally found the time to
add a sequence of patches to bugzilla for this:

Stephen Colebourne schrieb:
Looking for a way, to turn any existing iterator into one,
that can be exercised repeatedly, I stumbled upon the classes/if's
ResettableIterator, AbstractIteratorDecorator, and ListIteratorWrapper,
but didn't actually found an elegant solution for this. Obviously, the
simplest option to include something like this into collections, was to
turn ListIteratorWrapper into a ResettableIterator by implementing the
reset() method.
I'd welcome an patch for this with tests.

.. added in first.patch

A derivation of AbstractIteratorDecorator, with the only function to
record the returned elements,
as they are traversed - candidate name: CachedIterator or
This Decorator would use a List as cache, which could either be
injected, or created automatically;
This sounds no different to ListIteratorWrapper, or IteratorUtils.toList(). IMHO, [collections] is probably over abstracted now.
in a package with basic implemtations like this, I wouldn't mind a decent amount of abstractness
An Iterator, that wraps a list similar the manor, ArrayIterator wraps access
to an array, with the possible extension, that reset() and add() would
be supported too.
Why not just call iterator() on the List object? Perhaps you mean a ResettableIteratorWrapper, which could be useful.
.. the latter. Added as ResettableListIteratorWrapper, also in first.patch. But I'm not exactly happy with the name. But then, I'm no native speaker?

3.) Combining the two into ResettableCachedIterator (involves using
ChainedIterator to do the trick)
I'm suggesting to use the infix 'Cached' here, because there is the
possibility of a completely different implementation of a decorator
allowing resettability: by passing a factory, that is reproducing the
underlying iterator on reset, if necessary; The difference is obvious:
the cached approach is guaranteed to reproduce the sequence of elements
exactly, the factory appraoch is not;
This is probably best achieved as a patch to ListIteratorWrapper.

4.) Retrofitting ListIteratorWrapper, to use 1.) and 2.)
Changing a superclass is a binary incompatible change, so we couldn't do that.
As of Java Language Spec Chap 13.4: not so. Changing the inheritance will only affect binary compatibility, if you are dropping members or reducing their visibility, which will not happen when wedging an additional class into the tree.

5.) Writing a Decorator, that converts a ResettableIterator into a
Could be done but probably of limited value.

I dropped 3.) to 4.), mostly because I'm already wayward from my original goals, but also because one of some of the experiments included in second.patch.

In there is ResettableListIteratorDecorator which does, what actually I intended with 4.) turning any Iterator into an Resettable(List)Iterator. Thus it could be a binary compatible replacement for ListIteratorWrapper, if it wasn't semantically different, in that it is actually supporting the optional operations in a limited manner.

The other two provide total different aproaches:

- ResettableIteratorDecorator uses a Factory, that should simply reproduce the iterator on reset()
- RewindingDecorator rewinds a ListeIterator using previous()

The former might be interesting for wrapping JdbcQuerys, especially if you in fact want to see changes, that appeared in the db between passes, the latter is a bit over the top.

The reason for my interest in resettable iterators is the CartesianIterator in third.patch.

Names: I'm a bit uneasy with the suffix *Wrapper because:
- the way we use it here seems to indicate, that we wrap ListIterator or ResettableListIterator, while we are actually Wrapping an Iterator or List respectively. - The developer guide of commons actually states, that the class names should be suffixed with the collection types.
Frankly, I'm a bit at a loss there.

If the commiters would shoot out with a vote, which of those classes are likely to be committed, I would start integrating the corresponding constructors into IteratorUtils and the Test into iterator.TestAll (yes, there are tests in the patches!)


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