Overall, I like the interfaces, but I've got a few issues:

0) Update is mentioned in the Javadoc at the beginning of Archiver, but is not implemented.

1) You often change method names based on the parameter types, e.g. Archiver.addFile + Archiver.addFileName, setUnpackDestinationName + setUnpackDestinationFile, etc. It seems more conventional and less chaotic to give all the methods the same name, and have them only differ based on parameter. Examples of this style are constructors for java.utils.zip.ZipFile, java.io.FileInputStream, java.io.FileOutputStream, org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.IOUtils.copy, org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.isFileNewer, etc

2) You can only add files to an archive, this makes it more difficult to add generated entries into an archive. You need to actually write them to disk before including them in an archive

3) UnpackDestination + Destination should be the same property (on the both the interface as well as underlying implementation), or you should split packing and unpacking into two different interfaces (or force folks to pass a path to pack + unpack, instead of setting properties on the object).

4) None of your interfaces deal with the case of what to do if the destination file is already there. Choices are either defining it in the interface, or adding a property defining what to do. I would suggest the latter, and would suggest that for Archiver this method should take a FileFilter (since the unpack behaviour can be non-trivial) and should default to FalseFileFilter.INSTANCE. For the Compresser interface a simple boolean is probably sufficient. e.g.


5) In AbstractCompressor, I don't understand why you have a copy method and don't just use IOUtils.copy() 6) In AbstractCompressor, I don't understand why you try to create your own temp name, rather than just letting File.createTempFile do it's thing.


C. Grobmeier wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hello all,

here is a new draft for the compress interface:

* http://grobmeier.de/commons-compress-draft-5.zip

I have improved a lot of things, based on the comments of Sandy (thanks
for that).

This draft is not perfect, as you can see in the todo list. But imho we
have a quite good base for future work, everything compiles and works
and is documented. So i would like to propose that someone is comitting
this, except you have reasons not to do this.
If you agree with me, i will open a bugzilla issue and add the link to
the code.

- - Chris.
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