14 +1s
1 +0.5s

So the move to Jira is on.

I did a practice one the other day and things seemed to work. I even
did some Jelly scripting to automate some parts of the migration.


On 5/2/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd like to call a vote that we switch to Jira. Here's the loose migration plan:

* Make Bugzilla read-only
* Import Commons project in Bugzilla into Commons project in JIRA
 This will pull over users, components, versions etc.
* Setup notification scheme
* Setup permission scheme
* Setup group
* For each of the 37 components
** Create new project - name: "Commons Xxxx",  key  "XXXX".
** Assign notification, permission and group
** Create relevant versions
** View component, bulk move all issues to new project
* Cleanup Commons project (we'll  still use it as a
catch-all). Delete components/versions.

The 37 components don't all have to be set up at the same time, we can
take our time to move things out of the Commons project and into the
individual Commons Foo projects.

[ ] +1
[ ] -1

Vote to last 72 hours, 3 +1s required, 3/4 of active vote being +1.


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