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The following page has been changed by FasihullahAskiri:

New page:
== A brief tutorial on SCXML Templating ==
SCXML allows for reusability of a certain FSM externally. This is helpful when 
a certain sequence of states, events  and actions occur frequently. Instead of 
repeating the sequence multiple times, an FSM can be designed seperately which 
can be referred as a state body using src attribute of a state.

=== Use Case ===
In a typical call control application, the sequence to connect to an end-point 
would be something like
 * waiting-for-connection [connection.alerting/conection.accept()] --> 
 * accepting-connection [connection.connected] --> connection-connected
This sequence is a completely reusable one and can be ''templated''

=== Example based on the use case above ===

  <state id="wait-for-connection-request">
    <transition event="connection.alerting" 
  <state id="wait-for-connection-connected">
      <ccxml:accept callid="incoming-line"/>
        cond="_eventdata.ID eq 'incoming-line'">
      <send event="connection.connected"/>


=== SCXML Using the template above ===

  <state id="wait-for-connection-request" 
    <transition event="connection.connected" target="send-dtmf"/>
  <state id="send-dtmf">
      <ccxml:send-dtmf digits="'1234'"/>
    <transition event="dtmf.sent" target="bye"/>

  <state id="bye" src="send-bye.scxml" final="true"/>

=== Explanation ===
The example above is fairly elaborate and simple. As we can see, the otherwise 
complicated State Engine has been broken into three seperate FSMs, 
send-bye.scxml and accept-connection.scxml being fairly reusable.

=== Posting to external JSPs ===
In the example above, we used an SCXML doc to post the content to, we could 
also have used a JSP/Velocity Template which is able to return an SCXML doc. 
Using a JSP/Velocity template we can make the SCXML dynamic.
Going back to the example above, the accept-connection.scxml accepts the 
connection in the incoming-line variable, to use a different value we could 
have used a JSP like in the example below

<state id="foo${}">
 <!-- some content -->

placed at URL , then
src=""; will get us:

<state id="foo1">
 <!-- some content -->
=== A word of caution ===
 * When the src attribute is used, it is highly recommended to use a 
path-resolver (Provide Link). This is done while creating the SCXML
SCXMLDigester.newInstance(SCXML, PathResolver);
If the PathResolver is not used (By passing a null), then the src is taken as 
the path of the file.
 * In many cases, it might be required to re-use the same template in the same 
"master" scxml. i.e. In our example above, after the send-bye, it might be 
required to reconnect to the ''incoming-line''. This will lead to the same 
states being duplicated and the SCXML Engine to be indeterminate. This can be 
avoided by using a param=value after the URL, this mangles the url and avoids 
duplicate IDs

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