robert burrell donkin wrote:
On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 20:18 +0200, Dennis Lundberg wrote:
robert burrell donkin wrote:
i've uploaded JCL1.1FC to it's not yet
available through the distributions and it will be a day or two before
the mirrors sync and i issue the official announcement.
Robert, I have been unable to do a download earlier because of the problems with minotaur. Now that it has been brought back online again, the directory mentioned above is empty. Have you removed the files or does this have something to do with the downtime of minotaur?

minotaur is now back up but i deleted the files yesterday. they are now
in their final locations. once the mirrors have sync'd i'll be making
the announcement (so if there are any problems it's too late to address
with 1.1).

OK, I just checked my local mirror and the one on and on both it seems that the "README.html" file used by the httpd module mod_autoindex is wrong. Its heading says "Commons-Logging v1.1.1". Can someone fix that? I don't know if I have the rights to do it myself.

Dennis Lundberg

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