Well it does, if the user remembers to upgrade all three plugins instead of just one of them :)

Dennis Lundberg

Lukas Theussl wrote:
Version 1.9 of the m1 changelog plugin also introduced the maven.changelog.date=lastRelease option, which will set the date automatically to the last release found in changes.xml. I was under the impression that this should work the same for file-/dev-activity and changelog reports. If not, it's a bug and should be fixed.


Dennis Lundberg wrote:
Jörg Schaible wrote:

Hi Dennis,

basically I am in compliance with you list except:

+ developer-activity (SCM activity per developer)
+ file-activity (SCM activity per file)

I don't see much value in them. They just report activities for the last 30 days and even worse, they are not reproduceable, e.g. if you checkout from
a tag and rerun the reports, they will show nothing (since nothing has
changed for that tag anymore normally within the last 30 days).

If there were a possibility to create the reports for a specified time range
(defined start and end) it could cover the activities since the last
release to the current one, but I don't know of such a functionality.

In Maven 1 the change log report has the possible to use a date range (a specified number of days, the default), a specific date (e.g. the date of the last release) or a tag (but that only works for CVS). This does not seem to work for developer- and file activity though, but should be that hard to fix.

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