On 22/05/06, Nicolas De Loof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> It is supported in jdk1.3.. Just cast the stringbuffer passed in to
>> an object, so like
>> StringBuffer.append((Object) StringBuffer)). Much more efficient than
>> an if...
> Surely a StringBuffer is already an Object?
> Or am I missing something here?
StringBuffer has a new method in Java 1.4 to append another Stringbuffer
without invoking it's toSring() method.
Code that uses StringBuffer.append(stb) and compiled by a JDK 1.4 will
not work on Java 1.3.
I miself recommand Using  "StringBuffer.append(stb.toString())" that
looks better than an apparently useless (Object) cast : checkstyle or
IDE may warn for unecessary cast.

But that won't work so well on Java 1.4+.

Can't one just use:


for both 1.3 and 1.4, and let the method do the work as needed?

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