I think that these methods would make useful additions to the API.

I don't have the time to do much collections work these days, but if you want to code the methods with test cases and attach them to JIRA then that would be great.


I've been using some algorithm methods from the CollectionUtils, for example
find(Collection, Predicate)
exists(Collection, Predicate)
countMatches(Collection, Predicate)
forAllDo(Collection, Closure)

However, I would also like to be able to use these algorithms with an Iterator:

find(Iterator, Predicate)
exists(Iterator, Predicate)
countMatches(Iterator, Predicate)
forAllDo(Iterator, Closure)

The obvious workaround is to use IteratorUtils.toList(Iterator), however this 
comes at the cost of constructing a list object (an ArrayList presumably) which 
could be avoided, as the Iterator itself is sufficient for the above algorithms 
to work.

What do you think? Is there any reason not to provide the algorithms for an 
Iterator? I personally think that the algorithms should have been there for 
Iterators in the first place, because every collection is Iterable (or has an 
Iterator, prior to JDK 5.0).

If noone is interested or has time to implement these changes, I can also 
contribute to the project - but at the moment I just wanted to discuss the idea 
/ check if this has been already considered or planned.

Best Regards,

Dusan Chromy

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