OK, went ahead and scripted this.  Here's what I did after setting

No laughing at my Perl ....


# Script to replace Bugzilla IDs with JIRA.
# $file needs to be csv with jira ID first, then BZ.
# Use "all" issue view from JIRA issue browser and download to spreadsheet, then
# delete other cols and export to csv.

# read CSV file exported from JIRA into hash
$file = 'issueMap.csv';
$changes = 'changes.xml';
open (F, $file) || die ("Could not open $file!");
while ($line = <F>)
 $line =~ s/[\"\n\ ]//g; # lose the quotes, newlines, spaces
 ($jira,$bugzilla) = split ',', $line;
 $issues{$bugzilla} = $jira;
close (F);

# make replacements one at a time (ugly, but simple and works)
while (($bugzilla, $jira) = each(%issues))
 `cat $changes |sed "s/$bugzilla/$jira/g" > $changes.new`;
 `mv $changes.new $changes`;
 print "jira: $jira <- bugzilla: $bugzilla \n";

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