Henri Yandell wrote:
On 6/3/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/3/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It looks like something weird has happened to the FAQ plugin. The item
titles are now showing up as (inoperative) links instead of bold text. Very
strange, but I doubt it's anything you've done. ;-)

The jakarta-maven.css file has a couple of bits of css that cause the
<a name="..."> to be underlined and on hover to have a red background.
However removing those bits still leave it with a blue background
part, so there's another piece of css in a file other than that one to
deal with.

Need to fix the FAQ plugin to output different html, doing <a
name="aaa">la</a> seems like it isn't going to work with css well.
Maybe do <a href="name"></a><span>la</span>, or maybe a class=".." on
the anchor can be used to turn the features back off again.

I had a look at the faq plugin and found that this behavior was fixed in version 1.5 of the plugin. Try it and see what you think. Just add this to your local project.xml

              &lt;strong&gt;Site Only&lt;/strong&gt; - v1.5 (minimum)
              required for building the FileUpload Site documentation.

Either we add the faq plugin to commons-build/pluginUpdate.txt or we add a dependency, like above, to the components that use it. There are currently only 5 components using it.

Dennis Lundberg

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