Hi Peter,

Is there a description of what you are working on that has any more details than: http://wiki.apache.org/general/SummerOfCode2006? I couldn't find anything else.

Please bear in mind that while I'm a mentor, I actually haven't worked on JCI (yet), just Maven, so there's every chance I don't understand how it works and you can feel free to tell me I'm wrong :)

Peter Konstantinov wrote:
Dear JCI developers,

I'm Google SOC applied student, working on jci. Let's see what I made for
current moment, fell free to comment and aks questions.

Is there some code we can see for these?

I'd generally recommend making small, incremental changes through a series of small patches. That way you can get your work reviewed (and applied!) sooner, and if anything needs changes or it's going in the wrong direction, there's less impact.

Implementation of support file-based compilers in jci is my main task now.
To example my approach I implicated support of javac (currently call only). I used javasist library to replace file-working classes with my proxis. It's seems this approch would work fine for every java-based java compiler. Yep, I know that javasist is pretty fat and slow, but it's only technological preview, and I hope implication would become more satisfactory in future. And of course, unavailability of fork-call, remain main problem of this approach.

While I think I understand what you are doing here, the original assumption was to use the code in Maven as a starting point. Was there a reason not to do this? Javac is completely implemented there.

Support of maven is my second goal. It's pretty simple, and I already
developed main part of maven plugin. But problem of abstract configuration of jci-compilers isn't steal solved. As you know, now every jci-compiler has own configuration class, in the other hand we have only one compiler-configuration format in plexys. So, you can see what shall we aim to.

I'm just seeing now that the original description would have been misleading - it's not desirable to write a new compiler plugin, but instead to integrate commons-jci into the existing one (instead of the plexus compiler).

Looking forward to hearing more about your work!


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